The Sunrise Registration Period provides Trademark Holders with the first right to register domain names matching their registered marks in the TLD before the Registry offers registrations to the general public. The overall purpose and goal of the Sunrise Registration Period is to ensure that Trademark Holders secure their brand names in an equitable fashion to strengthen their online presence by making use of a the .earth domain. The Registry will strictly follow and implement all guidelines set forth by ICANN and the Trademark Clearinghouse (“TMCH”).
During the Sunrise Period, only SMD File holders (or their agents) are allowed to submit Sunrise Application(s). Successful Sunrise Registration(s) will be allocated to trademark holders on a first come, first served basis.
The Trademark Holder is responsible for protecting any labels in which it has an interest. If a Trademark Holder fails to register any domain name during Sunrise, the name will be available in the public launch known as “General Availability” subject to Registry Policies, the TMCH Claims Service, and applicable laws and regulations.